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Everything sold on is shipped from China. We usually ship via CNE Airfreight, and they will hand over the package to your country's national postal system (e.g. USPS, Royal Mail, Australia Post, Deutsche Post, etc.). Some items will be shipped via FedEx Ground (mostly parcels). For all of these regular shipping methods, it usually takes 8-12 days to arrive in Europe. It takes about 10-13 days to arrive in the US.

If something went wrong during shipping, such as the package never being delivered, we will help you and resend it. If tracking shows that the package was delivered to your address, but you report that you did not receive it, we will work with you to resolve the matter and try to find a solution. We want to support when the postal service makes a mistake, but unfortunately, people often falsely claim that they did not receive an item, or that the package was stolen from your porch. These types of thefts are beyond our control, so we cannot provide a free sleeping pad for every person who claims this. If you want to avoid the risk of your package being stolen from your porch or not being delivered correctly, please ask us to sign for your package.

As for taxes, for all purchases made on and our certified distributors, we promise that shipping to Europe, the United States and Japan does include import duties, and customers do not have to pay any additional import taxes. Our aim is to reduce any unreasonable middleman costs and provide customers with a reasonable price.
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